Repro Web
Check the numbers with KPI Analysis
KPI Analysis
The KPI analysis allows you to see the execution rate of users per event.
How to check
Click on Analytics>KPI Analysis.
Please click on the name of the KPI you want to see on this screen.
You can see the KPI analysis graph on the following screen
How to read the graph
It shows the percentage of users executing the events you have registered as KPIs.
For more information on how to create a KPI, see Create a new KPI analysis.
In this graph, among users who launched the app on Monday, November 11, 2019, like! at least once, 10.45% of the time.
The number in parentheses indicates the number of times it's been done. Like! I like the (1) line! at least once, like! I like the (2) line! The percentage of users who performed two or more times is displayed.
You can also toggle between the percentage of users who achieved and those who left.