Repro Web
Set up for new account
How to set up for new account
Click Account > Account Settings.
You can set up your account on this screen.
Account settings
You can set or change the following items.
Account Name
You can set your account name.
Email address
You can set your email address.
Company Name
You can set the company name.
Speaker's phone number
You can set your phone number.
Number of employees
You can set the number of employees.
Icon Image
You can set the icon image.
Set password
You can set a password by filling in a new password and clicking save.
Remove Account
You can delete your account.
If you have an app admin screen that has owner privileges, you cannot delete the account. Please delete the app's admin screen or transfer the owner privileges to another member before deleting the account.
Control a member's priiiviileges.
Switching languages
You can switch the language displayed on the administration screen. Please select the language you want to switch to.