Repro App
The Use cases of Access Analysis
Access Analytics
Access analysis allows you to see the number of event executions and active users for each event.
Use case
Comparing numerical trends for a specific period of time
Compare the number of event executing users by attribute
Understand the number of event executions of new users
Analyze the number of executions per user
Comparing numerical trends for a specific period of time
By setting the target period, it is possible to compare the figures with the previous year.
Compare the number of event executing users by attribute
You can also compare the number of executions by attribute by using the User Profile.
It is also possible to compare the number of event executions for men and women and for paying users and non-paying users.
See Set the consitions to analyize for the details.
Understand the number of event executions of new users
In order for new users of the app to become loyal users, it is required to increase the number of users who use the app with more functions. For example, the number of additional wishlist executions in an EC app is relevant. Visualize the number of executions for each event of new users, and understand how much they are using the application function.
Analyze the number of executions per user
TOTAL ACCESS shows you the number of executions of events to analyze.
You can see the number of event executions per unique user by dividing the number displayed for TOTAL ACCESS by the total number of ALL USERS.