Repro App
About Repro App
What is Repro App?
Repro App is a Customer Engagement Platform where we maximize customer experience.
You can find out users’ challenges and conduct marketing campaigns such as Push Notifications and InApp Messages based on the data collected across channels.
You can find out users’ challenges with multidictionary analyzing the collected data
Retention analysis
Please refer to Retention Analysis for more details
Access Analysis
Please refer to Access Analysis for more details
KPI Analysis
Please refer to KPI Analysis for more details
Funnel Analysis
Please refer to Funnel Analysis for more details
You can increase/maximize user’s customer engagement by sending Push Notification and InApp Messages which are personalized for each users
Push Notifications
Please refer to Push Notifications for more details
In-App Messages
Please refer to In-App Messages for more details
Service Linkage
Repro links various services.
By this linkage, you can conduct marketing campaigns with Repro to the audience of other services, and conduct marketing campaigns at other platforms to the users with using data of Repro.
There are some optional functions which are free of charge, however, contracts are required for those, please feel free to contact us.
Also, the usage of other tools which Repro linked require the expense of the tool and the packages.
STEP1. How Repro works